Saturday, September 26, 2009

First sales on Etsy!!

I am happy today!
We made our two first sales on Etsy! Feels gooood!
Here are the two items we sold, one yesterday and one today:

We had to be patient, that's all I guess!
Wait until Mireille comes back from Paris with more clothes for our shop!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I am back, after two months. Altough I didn't write a word on the blog I read many of the blogs I follow, specially Tali's!I was busy and somehow I couldn't find the time to sit down and write some lines...May be the fact that our shop on Etsy is not selling at all took away a little bit of enthusiasm...Anyway, we had a big sale in our shop in Jerusalem two weeks ago and it was a success!

Here are some pictures!

Part of the collection of my sister Janine,
who has a beautiful shop on Etsy, known as Eninaj! She was there too!

This is the shop some moments before the sale!

A small patio at the entrance

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